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Birmingham Panthers Committee...

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Introducing your club secretary for this season... Laura! Laura joined Panthers last season having never played Korfball before! She’s now got tons of experience and will be sure to keep everyone organised this year in her new role

Our president Alex Quy!! He is excited to see what is in store for Panthers this season and work with the rest of the committee to grow and develop the club even further!

Up next we’ve got our Treasurer, Josh! Josh is a founding member of Panthers and is about to go into his 6th season playing Korfball. He’ll be balancing the books this year...keeping tabs on all our spending

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Say Cheeeese.... Next up on the committee line-up is Louise, our recruitment and marketing officer! She has been playing Korfball for 5 years and has been at Panthers for 2. Louise will be promoting the club this season and seeking new members

It’s double trouble with our two social secretaries: Meg & Joel 

These two friendly faces will be sure to organise tones of fun activities for Panthers... from nights out to club meals, and everything in between! 

Ladies and gents your new Tournament Sec, Therése!! Therése has been playing Korfball for 6 years and this will be her 3rd season at Birmingham Panthers! She’ll be getting Panthers involved in lots of tournaments during the season

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